Patent, to ſeveral Lords Proprietors, who were ſometimes Governors thereof, holding both the civil and military Power. Beſides their being thus held of the Crown, they have been anciently held by Proprietors, who transferr'd their Properties in them by Acknowledgments, or Services, for Lives; in like Manner with the Tenures of Cornwall. And they were ſubject to a Coroner and his Bailiffs, under the Juriſdiction of that County. Alſo, in 16 Ed. II. a Patent was granted to Henry, Lord of Scilly, for the Iſles of Jerſey and Guernſey, after the Death of Odonis (or Oats) de Grandiſon. And in 6 H. V. Sir John Colſbull, Knt. died, ſeized of Scilly Iſland, (then called Scilly) the Caſtle, &c. as appears by Records in the Hiſtory: Wherein is alſo ſhewn, that Scilly, and Launceſton Caſtle of Cornwall, had ſometimes the ſame. Governor. But, for the moſt Part, the Abbats of
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