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Page:A Natural and Historical Account of the Islands of Scilly.djvu/24

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Taviſtock-Abby, held the ſpiritual Juriſdiction of theſe Iſlands, under the Bishops of Exeter, as granted by the King and confirmed to them by the Pope. The See of Crediton for Devon, and that of Cornwall were united by Livyngus, Biſhop of Crediton, Anno 1032, and removed by: Leofrick, his Succeſſor to Exeter, Anno 1049, whither the ſpiritual Juriſdiction of Scilly devolv'd, on the Diſſolution of Taviſtock-Abby, and there remains; tho' at this Time not exerciſed, or exerted among the Iſlanders.

For military Government, theſe Iſlands have been ſometimes under the Lord Lieutenant of the County of Cornwall; but, of late Years, Forces being placed in Garriſon there, for their better Defence, the Governor, or (in his Abſence) the commanding Officer, for the Time being, has had the immediate Direction of all military Power.