In the Purſuit of this Enquiry, (among the Tower-Records, and other Repoſitories of Manuſcripts, and Books of Antiquity) I found it neceſſary to give ſome Account of the Earls of Cornwall, whoſe Power extended to Scilly; and alſo of the Erection of the Dutchy-Court extending it's Prerogative into other Counties, whereby the Stannery-Laws are explain'd, which may be of uſe in theſe Iſlands. I have likewiſe annex'd a ſhort Account, or View of Cornwall, to which, by Tradition, Scilly was anciently joined: And herein I acknowledge myſelf beholding to Mr. Carew's Survey of that County.
The Iſlands, and County of Cormwall, have Relation in their Soil, Culture, Plants, Produce, Dioceſs, and (if the Lord Proprietor pleaſes) in the Stannery-Laws and Dutchy-Juriſdiction, which laſt is diſputable.