Iſlands of Scilly.
an Emulation to copy them. Which Writer has alſo given an exact genealogical Account of the Deſcent of the Family, from about the Time of the Norman Conqueſt to the preſent Right Honourable Francis Earl of Godolphin, ſo eminently diſtinguiſhed for his many Acts of Generoſity, among his other amiable Qualities. But for the Particulars of the great Services of his Lordſhip's noble Anceſtors, I shall refer the Reader to the Peerage aforeſaid; and beg Leave to expreſs my own Sentiments of his Lordſhip's diſtinguished Merits in the following Lines.
To the Right Honourable
Francis Earl of Godolphin,
Governor and Proprietor
Islands of SCILLY.
IF a long Line of Patriots great and good,And Honour, ſtreaming thro' untainted Blood,Can dignify a Man, and raiſe a Name,To ſtand recorded in the Liſt of Fame;
Q 4