An Account of the
If Worth, tranſmitted to ſucceſſive Heirs,Deſcends, unblemiſh'd, thro' a thousand Years;If Virtue makes Nobility a Gem,And adds a Luſtre to the antient StemIf Merit only can ennoble Birth,And Peerage ſhines diſtinguiſhed by Worth: Then you, My Lord, the Place of Honour hold,Not meanly bought, nor ever baſely ſold. The Coronet, that wreaths your noble Brow,To noble Deeds, in Virtue's Cauſe, you owe.The gen'rous Spirit your Forefathers warm'd,And their brave Souls with dauntleſs Courage arm'd,By Life or Death to vindicate their Prince,And firmly ſtand in Liberty's Defence,With equal Ardour in your Boſom glows,Exalts your Thoughts, and all the Patriot ſhews. From active Youth to venerable Age,Your King and Country ſtill your Zeal engage.Ne'er did your Tongue begild a rotten Cauſe,Nor gave a Sanction to oppreſſive Laws.The Subjects Rights you ever made your own,And bravely fenc'd as you have fenc'd the Throne.Your upright Soul no Biaſs ever knew,But when diſtreſſed Merit was in View.