inſula, by Dr. Muſgrave. He ſhews the Probability of an Iſthmus, and then of its wearing away in a long Space of Time by the Flux and Re-flux of the Tides after an Irruption by the violent Preſſure of Water driven by the Winds out of the Atlantic Ocean. The Weſt Wind blowing hard for Half a Year againſt Britain and France, as obſerved by Julius Cæſar. The Depth in the Streights of Dover being not above 16 Fathom, might be eaſily wore down in ſuch a Series of Years. He obſerves that the Ridge of Earth in the Streights ſhews the Land there was once much higher, but reduced as aforeſaid; eſpecially if it is conſidered that the more the Bottom of the Sea is waſhed away, the more level it becomes. That the ſteep, white, flinty and chalky Clifts on the oppoſite Shores of the Streights, between Dover and Calais, exactly answering to each other for above ſix Miles, make it appear that they were ſeparated as before-mentioned, by the washing away of the intermediate Earth. That the preſent State of Rumney Marſh agrees