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Page:A Natural and Historical Account of the Islands of Scilly.djvu/288

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Scilly join'd with Cornwall.

with the Suppoſition; for whilſt the Iſthmus remained, it diverted the Courſe of the Tides that Way, and cauſed the over-flowing of the ſame, by being a plain low Bottom. That this Marſh had once a Communication with the Sea appears from its ſtrong Bulwark; and alſo from the Teeth and Bones of a Hippopotamus, or ſome other Sea Animal, dug up at Chatham (Anno 1668) 17 Feet deep (vid. Phil. Tranſactions, No. 272, 275) but an Anchor dog up thereabouts ſhews it more evidently.

That after the Iſthmus was broke thro', and all Obſtacles removed, the Sea retir'd from Rumney into its Channel; whereby that which was formerly an Ætuary, is now a fertile Plain 20 Miles long, and eight broad, yielding good Paſture for Cattle. That Iſthmus being admitted, it is eaſy to conceive how Wolves and other noxious Animals came into Britain. But on the contrary Suppoſition, it will be abſurd to imagine that they were tranſported hither in Veſſels for the Preſervation of the Spe-
