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Page:A Natural and Historical Account of the Islands of Scilly.djvu/29

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that it cannot be executed intirely without it, except we ſuppoſe (which is ſupponere quod non eſt ſupponendum) that an Author was an ocular Witneſs to all the Tranſactions he relates: Which, indeed, is impoſſible even for one who writes the Hiſtory of his own Times; much more is it ſo for him who undertakes to give an Account of Perſons, Places, Cuſtoms, &c. that exiſted ſome Ages before he was born. If he collects his Materials with Care; diſpoſes of them with Judgment; and ſets them in a clear and perſpicuous Light, he, in my humble Opinion, performs the Part of a faithful Hiſtorian, and ſaves a Reader the Trouble and Expence of purchaſing, peruſing, and collating a great Number of Books, ſome of which may be very ſcarce and valuable, and only to be met with in the Libraries of curious and learned Men.
