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Page:A Natural and Historical Account of the Islands of Scilly.djvu/30

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Another Objection, which my critical Readers may poſſibly make to this Hiſtory of Scilly, is, that in my Deſcription of the Cuſtoms and Manners of the People of thoſe Iſlands, ſome of them appear ſo trifling and even ridiculous, that they ought not to have a Place in a ſerious Hiſtory, which (ſay they) ſhould contain Nothing but what is important and intereſting, nothing but Tranſactions and Events that were accompliſhed by the ſuperior Talents of the great Men of the Age wherein they lived.

But this Objection, I think, will have but ſmall, Weight, when it is conſider'd, that the Limits of our Hiſtory are confined to no very large Territory, Iſlands of but a few Miles in Compaſs, and always in Subjection to England, their Mother Country. Here, therefore, we muſt not expect to find ſuch glittering Scenes of Action, as have aſtoniſhed Mankind up-
