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Page:A Natural and Historical Account of the Islands of Scilly.djvu/290

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Scilly join'd with Cornwall.

Land of England. And the like I conceive of Heyſant in France, an Iſle lying before the Promontory of Britain, ſevered by Degrees each from the other. And to ſtrengthen this Evidence, it may be obſerv'd that this Iſlands of Scilly having Tin in common with the County of Cornwall, which no other Idland does produce, is a further Probability of their being once joined to Cornwall, and therefore ſevered from thence either by a gradual Incroachment of the Sea, or ſome violent Irruption.

The Corniſh Land from Plymouth diſcovers itſelf to be devoured more and more to the Weſtward, according to the aforeſaid Tradition of the Tract of Lioneſs, being encroached upon above Half the preſent Diſtance from the Land's End to Scilly, whence it is probable that the low Iſthmus, once joining Scilly and Lioneſs, was firſt encroached upon in the ſame Manner. The projecting Land being expoſed to the Concurrence of the Tides from the Iriſh, the Briſtol and Britiſh Channels, by whoſe Violence and Impetuoſity, encreaſed by
