the Winds, the looſe Earth of the Gulf-Rock might be worn away, leaving the reſiſtable Subſtance behind ſtanding as it is, in the Middle-Way, betwixt Scilly and Cornwall. Or by whatever violent Cauſes or Irruption of the Sea over the Land was once made, a new Tendency of that fluid Element was thereby acquired and continued.
Theſe Notions are confirmed by Inſtances of the Incroachments and Retreats of the Sea about ſeveral Parts of the Engliſh Coaſt, in later Days; particularly the Breach made by the Sea at Dagenham, whereby great Part of the Eſſex Land was over-flowed, and muſt have been wore into a Sea, if the timely Wiſdom and Vigilance of a Britiſh Parliament, by ſecuring the Breach, had not prevented it.
Virgil ſpeaks thus of the Manner by which Sicily was ſeparated from Italy: