Pliny has written a large Tract on this Matter in the two Books of his natural Hiſtory, Cap. 85, 86, 87. And Ovid has given an Account of the ſame in the 15th Book of his Metamorphoſis. On which it may not be improper to make ſome Obſervations.
SOME Naturaliſts are of Opinion, that Iſlands were formed by the Deluge; others think they have been rent and ſeparated from the Continent, at other Times, by violent Storms, Inundations, or Earthquakes. The laſt of theſe obſerve, that the Eaſt and Weſt-Indies abounding in Iſlands more than other Parts of the known World, are more annoy'd with Earthquakes, Tempeſts, Lightnings, Vulcano's, &c.
It is certain that ſome Iſlands have emerg'd from the Bottom of the Sea, as Santorini formerly, and three other Iſles near it lately; the laſt in 1707, after an