Earthquake, that looſened it from its Hold. Nor is it leſs certain, that ſome new Iſlands are formed by the caſting up of vaſt Heaps of Clay, Mud, Sand, &c. As that of Tſongming was formed in the Province of Nanquin in China.
Varenius thinks moſt of thoſe Opiniona true in ſome Inſtances of Iſlands having been each Way produced. Aſcenſion, St. Helena, and other ſteep rocky Iſlands he ſuppoſes produced by the Sea over-flowing their neighbouring Champaigns. By the heaping up large Quantities of Sand and other terreſtrial Matter, he thinks the Iſlands of Zealand, Japan, &c. were formed. Sumatra and Ceylon, and moſt of the Eaſt-Indian Iſlands, he rather thinks were rent off from the main Land-by Inundation or Irruption of Waters; and concludes, that the Iſlands of the Archipelago were formed after the ſame Manner: Imagining that Deucalion's Flood contributed thereto.