whoſe Furs are reckoned the fineſt in England, being of a dark Mouſe-Colour, ſhagg'd and ſoft as Silk. Cows and Horſes conſtantly ſeed there; it has great Plenty of Wild-Fowl; and is inhabited by about three Families.
The yearly Income to the Proprietor (Mr. Gilby) amounts to about 800l. From the Marches of Offringham there is a Paſſage over the Sands to the Sunk at low Water. This Iſland lies to the Southward of Holderneſs, in the River Humber, and to the Northward of Lincolnſhire, diſtant as aforeſaid.
Another Inſtance of the Alteration of Land is the Goodwin-Sands in Kent, being once cultivated and inhabited: For in the Reign of King William II. we read of 400 Acres drowned by the Sea.
The laſt Inſtance of the Production of Iſlands, which I ſhall obſerve, is an Account given by Mr. Forſter of an Iſland raiſed out of the Sea, near Tercera, (vid. Phil. Tranſ. No. 372, p. 100)