a Waſte of barren Sand, at low Water, when, for the Space of four Hours only, it ſhew'd its Head, and then was buried till the Retreat of the next Tide.
It appeared and diſappeared till the Year 1666, when it began to retain its Ground againſt the Encroachment of the Sea; and about which Time it was entirely recovered by the Art of Colonel Gilby, who raiſed high Banks about the riſing Grounds, and cut deep Channels for receiving and diſcharging the Water; whereby it became a firm and ſolid Maſs, and afforded good Paſture for Sheep and Cattle. This Iſle is about nine Miles in Circumference, within the Banks, which ſeem to render it impregnable againſt all future Attacks of the Sea, and being of a very fat and fertile Soil, afford good Corn, and Hay; and is ſtock'd with numerous Flocks of Sheep of larger Size, covered with finer Wool than thoſe in Holderneſs, from which Place this Iſle is divided by about two Miles Breadth of Water; and from Lincolnſhire by about four. It is ſtored with a vaſt Number of Rabbits;