and Inſtruction. 'Tis from theſe that we learn the true Genius and Spirit of the Natives of a Country. Here Nature acts without Diſguiſe; here the uſes no falſe or glaring Golours to dazzle the Eyes of the Spectator; Truth appears in it's native Simplicity, unadorned with meretricious Embelliſhments, and beautiful in its own Nakedneſs. What is it attracts our Admiration in the ſimple paſtoral Life of the Ancients? What, but their Manners and Cuſtoms ſo agreeable to the Dictates of Reaſon and Nature. And it is a Doubt with me, as well with much better Critics than myſelf, Whether Virgil has not acquired as much Fame by his Paſtorals, as by his Æneis?
As to the Iſlanders of Scilly, they have their Peculiarities, which diſtinguiſh them from their Neighbours of England; and I doubt not but the curious Reader will be pleaſed