on the larger Stages of the World. This is too narrow a Spot for Heroes and Conquerors to ſignalize their Valour, and work their Wonders upon. Few Exploits of Chivalry, few bloody Battles, few remarkable Sieges, have render'd theſe Iſlands famous to Poſterity. 'Tis true, they have not wanted Men of Genius and Spirit, who, without doubt, if they had found Employment ſuitable to their Capacity, would have made no inconſiderable Figure in the Records of Fame: But though they had no Opportunity of immortalizing their Names in the Field of Honour, yet we ſhall frequently find them occupied in uſeful Inventions and Improvements, ſuch as tended to the Advantage and Emolument of their well ſituated Iſlands.
But further; I conſider that the little Oddities in the Cuſtoms and Manners of the lower Claſs of People are not without both Amuſement