Deſcription of Cornwall.
Price's, Surgeon's Inſtrument-Maker, in the Poultry, London; Poſt paid.
That Gentlemen may the better diſtinguiſh what is wanting, I have inſerted the following List of Manuſcripts in the Poſſeſſion of William Jones, Eſq; deſigned for the Work.
- The particular Manner of the Saxon-Invaſion.
- Records of the County of Cornwall.
- The particular Occaſion, Account, and End of the Corniſh Inſurrection in King Henry the VIIth's Time.
- Particular Remarks on the ſeveral Hundreds.
- The Names of the Earls, Lords, Baronets, Knights, and Eſquires, with the Place of their Houſes in Cornwall, and their antient Poſſeſſors.
- An Account of learned Men and Writers in Cornwall.
7. The