Deſcription of Cornwall.
- The Names of Knights and Burgeſſes of the Corniſh Borough Towns, in that memorable Parliament, aſſembled at Weſtminſter the third Day of November 1640.
- King Charles's Letter of Thanks to the Corniſh Inhabitants for their Loyalty, dated Sudley Caſtle September 10, 1643; tranſlated into Old Corniſh Language by Mr. Keigwin.
- The Proteſtation of the Houſe of Commons, in the Year 1641, against the Meaſures of thoſe Times.
- King Charles's expreſs Declaration of his Respect for the Corniſh Men.
- An Account of what paſſed between the King's and Parliament's Army in this County.
- His Majeſty's Letter to the Earl of Eſſex, who commanded the Parliament Army againſt him.
- A Relation given by the Earl of Eſſex to Sir Philip Stapleton, of the Defeat of the Parliament Forces in Cornwall.
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