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Page:A Natural and Historical Account of the Islands of Scilly.djvu/506

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Deſcription of Cornwall.
  1. The Names of Knights and Burgeſſes of the Corniſh Borough Towns, in that memorable Parliament, aſſembled at Weſtminſter the third Day of November 1640.
  2. King Charles's Letter of Thanks to the Corniſh Inhabitants for their Loyalty, dated Sudley Caſtle September 10, 1643; tranſlated into Old Corniſh Language by Mr. Keigwin.
  3. The Proteſtation of the Houſe of Commons, in the Year 1641, against the Meaſures of thoſe Times.
  4. King Charles's expreſs Declaration of his Respect for the Corniſh Men.
  5. An Account of what paſſed between the King's and Parliament's Army in this County.
  6. His Majeſty's Letter to the Earl of Eſſex, who commanded the Parliament Army againſt him.
  7. A Relation given by the Earl of Eſſex to Sir Philip Stapleton, of the Defeat of the Parliament Forces in Cornwall.

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