Deſcription of Cornwall.
- The King's Anſwer to a Petition from the Corniſh Men to his Majeſty at York, ſent June 26, 1642.
- The Names of ſuch Members of this County, who leſt the Parliament at Weſtminſter in the Year 1643, and went to King Charles at Oxford. And of ſuch Members as took the ſolemn League and Covenant, at St. Margaret's, Weſtminſter, September 22, 1643.
- Of the laying down of Arms in Cornwall, Anno 1646, with an Account of what happened there in thoſe troubleſome Times.
- A Liſt of the Sheriffs in this County, their Places of Abode, and Arms, ſince Henry II.
- Of the Corniſh Rebellion in the Year 1715.
- The particular Hiſtory of the Earls of Cornwall before and ſince the Conqueſt. With ſome general hiſtorical Remarks and Obſervations on the ſeveral Parts of the County.