Mouſe-Hole, is an old Fiſhing Town, ſeen going out of Mounts-Bay to Scilly, upon the Weſtern Shore. It is a Cluſter of old Houſes, and has a ſmall Pier gone to Decay. The Tide flows E. N. E. in the Bay; at Full and Change, the Spring Tides riſe 19 Feet, and Depth of Water is from 7 to 20 Fathom.
From Mounts-Bay to the Land's-End the Shore is bold; and a Mile or Mile and half due South from the Southermoſt Land's End, lies a Rock call'd the Runnel Stone, ſeen above Water from half Ebb to half Flood. There is above twenty Fathom Depth of Water betwixt this Rock and the ſaid Land's End.
About four Leagues S. S. W. from the middle Land's-End, betwixt the Southermoſt Land's End and Cape Cornwall, lies the Gulf (by ſome call'd the Wolf) Rock, viſible at low Water. It is ſteep on every Side, and appears no bigger than a common Fiſher-Boat. If you keep the outs ward Part of the Long-Ships from Breezon Iſland, the Courſe will carry you juſt up-