on it. Within a Quarter of a Mile of this Rock there is about 40 Fathom Depth of Water.
Off the middle Land's-End lie the Long-Ships. Theſe Rocks are high above Water, and lie Weſt, about two Miles running out from the Land. Small Veſſels ſail between them and the Land to the Northward or Southward. To the Northward of them is a ſmall Bay, call'd White-Sand-Bay, where ſmall Coaſting Veſſels anchor.
From the Long-Ships to Breezon Iſland, the Courſe is N. half E. about 5 Miles. This is a high ſmall round Land, and lies about a Mile from the Shore to the Weſtward of Cape-Cornwall. Thoſe who are well acquainted with it, will ſail betwixt it and the Land of England.
A Parcel of Rocks, call'd the Seven Stones, lie W. half S. from Breezon Iſland, or from Cape Cornwall, about ſix or ſeven Leagues; alſo about W. by N.ſeven Leagues from the middle Land's End, and N. E.