Directions for ſailing in and out, at the ſeveral Sounds of the Scilly Iſlands.
The Iſlands are bold to the S.W. The principal Road is St. Mary's, and the beſt and moſt common Way to go into it by St. Mary's Sound, between St. Mary's Iſland 'and the Gugh, to the Eaſtward. St. Mary's Iſland is known by the Caſtle and Walls of two Wind-Mills ſtanding upon the S.W. Part of it. And by a Wind-Mill now in uſe upon a Tract of Land call'd Peninnis-Downs.
For ſailing into St. Mary's Sound:
Going in betwixt Peninnis Head and St. Agnes, keep the bold Shore of St. Mary's cloſe aboard, 'till you come as far as the Wool-pack-Rock (lying off the Wool-pack Battery, at the South Point of the Hugh, or Line of the Garriſon) to be ſeen at low Water. Give it a Birth of a Cable's Length from the Shore, for two or three Ships Lengthe in ſailing; then port your