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Page:A Natural and Historical Account of the Islands of Scilly.djvu/59

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Cornwall and Scilly.

Helm, and keep the Starboard Shore ſtill cloſe aboard, as far as the Stevel Rock (or Stevern) which Shore is bold. You will thereby avoid the Spaniſh and Bartholomew Ledges, lying near the Middle of the Sound, and covered with but ſix Feet each, at low Water. Now ſteer away N.N.E. for the Road, and come to an Anchor, about two Cables Length from the Nut-Rock, when it will bear W.N.W. the Depth of Water being about five at low, and about ſeven or eight Fathom at high Water.

N. B. The two Mills, formerly giving Directions for ſailing into this Sound, have their Tops and Fanes pulled down, and now are of no Uſe.

The Mill ſince built upon Pininnis gives no Direction, but what may be taken from Obſervation.

In this Sound the Tide ſets out E.S.E. half Southerly, and continues. 'till two Hours Ebb. Then it turns, and ſets in W.N.W. Northerly. Here you ride well in all but S. W. Winds, which bring in a great Sea. Here the Tide flows E.N.E. at Full and Change.
