Page:A New Herball, Part 1, by William Turner (1551).pdf/15

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Of womwode,

Comon VVormvuood.

to be Abſynthium marinum, becauſe he neuer ſawe the ſea in all hys lyfe where as thys herbe doth comonly growe. As concernyng Womwoode Pontyke from whych we haue by occaſyon geuē, ſome thyng dygreſſed: I will ſhotly ſhew you, what my minde is of it. I thynke verelye that Abſinthium Romanum of Meſue is, Dioſcorides: Abſinthium Ponticum, that ſame haue I ſene of late many tymes. I had it from Rome, and it groweth about templum pacis, and alſo about the walles in dyuerſe places, a kynde of that, is much in Germany ⁊ in Babant. about Colen it is called graue crowt, becauſe they ſet it vpon their frendes graues, yͤ Freſes call it wyld Roſmary, The Pothecaryes of Anwerpe Abſinthium Romanum. How be it, there is ſome difference betwene it, that groweth in Rome, and it that groweth in Germanye. It that groweth in Germanye, hath leſſe leaues, grener and thynner then it whyche groweth in Rome, and alſo a pleaſanter ſauour. It that groweth in Rome hath thycke, whyter and bygger leues, then it of Germanye, they are alſo hoter and of a ſtronger ſmell. As fo it that groweth in Germany, I haue poued oft tymes that it hath perfytly done ſuch thynges as pertayne vnto Womwod Pontyke. Thys herbe is not founde in Germany of hys owen ſettinge o ſowynge in the feldes, but is only in gardynes, where as it is planted o ſet by mannes handes, The thyde kynde of Womwood is called Abſinthium Santonicum, I haue ſene it in Englande ofter than ones, that euer I remembe, it maye be called well in Englyſh, French womwode, becauſe it hath the name of a certaine regyon of France, whoſe inhabyters are called Santones. The degee, Pontike Wormwoode is hote in the firſt and dye in the thirde after Galene, Aetus, and Paulus agineta, but after Meſue it is dye, but in the ſecond degree, but moe credence is to be geuene vnto Galene then to meſue, Sea Womwoode is, as Aegineta witeth hote in the firſt degree, and dye in the firſt. Frenche Womwode is weker then ſea Womwode in beakyng of humours, in hete and dynes, The iuce of Pontyke Womwode is rekened of all ſubſtancyall autoes moe hote a good dele then the leaues are. The poperties of womwode,Wom⹀