Page:A New Herball, Part 1, by William Turner (1551).pdf/14

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Of womwode,

Abſinthium marinum Sea VVormvuod.

aſtriction, which a man can perceiue by taſt, is ether very euyll to be foūde, o els there is none to be founde at all. Wherfoe Pontyke Womwode ought to be choſen out, fo yͤ inflāmatiōs of yͤ lyuer. But yͭ hath both a leſſe floure ⁊ leſe then the other Womwodes haue. The ſauour of this is not only not vnpleſant, but alſo reſembleth in ſauour a certain kynd of ſwete ſpice. The other kindes haue a ſtinking ſauour. Wherfoe ye muſt fle theſe kyndes, and vſe pontyke wowode. Thus farr hath Galene ſpokē. By whoſe wodes it is euidēnt yͭ this our cōmō ⁊ great leued womwod is not pontike womwod. As fo this great cōmon womwod it is called in latin Abſinthiū ruſticū, that is bouris o peſantes womwode. Some take ⁊ vſe yͤ womwode yͭ groweth by yͤ ſeaſide fo womwode pōtyke, But they are far deceiued fo yͤ qualites of it anſwer nothing vnto the qualyties of womwode pōtyke in Galene, ⁊ this ſame womwod is yͤ right Abſinthiū marinū o ſeryphū of DioſcoidesPlini, which may be called in Englyſh ſea womwod, Plini witeth of the growyng place of this herbe thus lib. triceſimo ſecundo, capite nono. Naſcitur & in mari ipſo Abſinthium, quod aliqui Seriphum uocant, circa Tapoſirim, & cæter. This groweth in the ſea it ſelfe womwod, which ſome call Seriphū, beſyde Tapoſyis of Egipt. Dioſcoides ſaith that it groweth in the mountayn Taurus. In oure tyme it is plenteouſlye founde in England about Lynne and holly Ilond in Nothumberland, and at Barrowe in Babant, and at Noden in eaſt Freſlande. Fuchſius is to be excuſed, whyche toke Argentariam Herbarioum, wyth longe ſmalle coddesto be