2. Perpetual chastity : Mary 387; St. Joseph 388 419; St. John 697.
3. Entire obedience under a religious superior: Samuel’s words: ‘‘Obedience is better than sacrifice” 219; our Lord’s words: “If any man will come after Me, let him deny himself” 586.
How grace works: Cain 32; leaven 51 1; the prodigal son 567; conversion of Peter 668; discourse of Peter 738; conversion of Saul 767.
The necessity of assisting grace: God leaves the idolaters to their own devices 48; Jeremias’ words: “Convert us, O Lord” &c. 326; 327 (vision of Ezechiel); parable of the lost sheep 563; the prodigal son 567; our Lord’s words: “Flesh and blood hath not revealed it to thee, but My Father who is in heaven” 538; also: “With men it is impossible” &c. 574; “No man can come unto Me” &c. 586; 647 (“Without Me ye can do nothing”); the fall and conversion of Peter 668; conversion of unbelievers 738 741.
Correspondence with grace: Samuel 215; Eliseus 283; Naaman 285; the shepherds 403; the three kings 415; the Samaritan woman 453; parable of the sower 506; of the talents 624; the man born blind 579; Peter 668; the wife of Pilate 683; the good thief 696; the two disciples on the road to Emmaus 720; the Ethiopian 761; Saul 767; Paul 799.
Resistance of grace: Cain 32; Pharao 140; Heli’s sons 215; the kingdom of Israel 295; the Nazarites 456; the Pharisees 446 504 507 579; the rich young man 575; Jerusalem 607; the Jews 604; Judas 659 669; the thief on the left hand 697 ; the scoffers at the Feast of Pentecost 738.
The grace of sanctification or justification: the healing of Naaman 285; the living water 450; the great treasure &c. 510; the new robe for the prodigal son 568; the wedding garment 610; the parable of the vine and the branches 643 647; the justification of Saul 767.
Justification of sinners: Magdalen 497 563; the prodigal son 568; conversion of Peter 668; the penitent thief 696; Saul 767.
Works meritorious only in a slate of grace: parable of the vine 647.
Good works of sinners not useless: the widow of Sarepta 266; the Ninivites 290; the centurion of Capharnaum 485; the rich man 571; Saul 767; Cornelius 775.