Meritorious works rewarded by God: the treasure in heaven 305 477; even the gift of a cup of cold water will be rewarded 520; the labourers in the vineyard 594; the good and faithful servant 623; the just at the Last Judgment 626.
Necessity of good works: Isaias 311 (“Learn to do good” &c.); preaching of penance by John the Baptist 425 (“Every tree that doth not yield good fruit shall be cut down”); our Lord’s words “Lay up for yourselves treasure in heaven” &c. 477; “Every good tree bringeth forth good fruit” 482 520; the sentence at the Last Judgment 626.
Prayer , fasting and almsgiving: specially recommended by the examples of Moses 158 161: the Israelites 213; the Ninivites 290; Tobias 306; the prophetess Anna 409; Jesus 429; Saul 768; Tabitha 770; and by the words of the angel Raphael “Prayer with fasting and alms” &c. , 305.
Necessity of good intention: the sacrifice of Cain and Abel 33; our Lord’s words in the Sermon on the Mount 475; the Pharisee in the Temple 584; the poor widow’s mite 615.
The use of outward signs and ceremonies, in order to convey ma|erial or spiritual benefits: in the cure of the man born blind 580; the descent of the Holy Ghost 737; Elias at the raising up of the widow’s son 269; the cure of the deaf and dumb man 537.
Types of Baptism: circumcision 61; the passage of the Red Sea 148; of the Jordan 195; the cure of Naaman 285; the baptism of John 431; the pool of Bethsaida 501; the pool of Siloe 579.
Institution of Baptism 431; the commandment to baptize 730.
The necessity of Baptism: discourse with Nicodemus 447; 733; Peter’s discourse on the Day of Pentecost 736; Baptism of the Ethiopian 760 ; of Cornelius 775.
The effects of Baptism: signified by the wonders that occurred at the Baptism of Jesus in the Jordan 432; by the cure of the deaf and dumb man 537; of the man born blind 579.
The covenant of Baptism 189 (“Beware lest thou ever forget the covenant” &c.); feast-day 397.
Baptism by blood 420.
The typical signification of oil 84.
Confirmation: in Samaria 760; the sign of the Cross 690.
Preparation for it 737.
Effects of it: the effects of the Holy Ghost on the Day of the Pentecost 738.
Life a warfare 373.