3. contrition: the paralytic 466; Mary Magdalen 497; the publican 585;
4. hope: the leper 484; the infirm woman 515;
5. love: Martha and Mary 560; the two disciples at Emmaus 718 (“Was not our heart burning within us”);
6. desire; the man infirm thirty-eight years 498; Peter 530; the Ethiopian 762.
The necessity of penance 214 313 460.
Models of true penance or conversion: David 244; the Ninivites 290; the man sick of the palsy 466; Magdalen 497 716; the prodigal son 566; the penitent thief 696; Saul 767.
Types of true penance: the cure of Naaman 285; the leper 488; the raising of the young man of Naim 491. Putting off conversion 371.
Institution of the Sacrament of Penance: 539 (the promise of it); 721.
All sins can be remitted: God’s promise through lsaias: “If your sins be as scarlet” &c. 312; 723.
Effects of the Sacrament of Penance: the reception of the prodigal son 568; the peace of God 724.
Conditions of Worthy Reception:
1. Examination of conscience: the prodigal son returned to himself 567.
2. True contrition: David (“I water my couch with my tears”) 244; Isaias preaching of penance 310; the man sick of the palsy 466; Magdalen 497; the prodigal son 567; Jesus in the Garden 653; Peter “wept bitterly” 665 668; 723; the contrition of Antiochus was not supernatural 371.
3. Hope of pardon: its ground 324 (“I will forgive their iniquity, and I will remember their sin no more”); the prodigal son 567. He who gives up hope is lost: Cain 30; Judas 669.
4. Sincere purpose of amendment: Jonas 290; Isaias 312; 551 (“I will pay thee all”); the prodigal son 568; Saul 765; Pharao’s resolution was not sincere 140 148; relapse into sin 501.
5. Avoiding the proximate occasion of sin: Eve 19; the temptation of Jesus 434; our Lord’s words “If thy right hand scandalize thee” &c. 548; Peter’s fall 668.
6. Confession: God requires a confession from Adam 21; from Cain 29 31; a confession of sin required at sin-offerings 171: at the baptism of John 427; from the leper 485 (“Show thyself to the priest”); the prodigal son 565 (“I will say, father, I have sinned”). Concealment of sins in confession 506 749.
7. Satisfaction: Jonas 290; the fellow-servant 552; the prodigal son (“Make me as one of thy hired servants”) 565; Saul 765. Temporal punishment of sin must be suffered: Lot 66; Rebecca and Jacob 78; the Israelites in the desert 177; David 244; the man infirm thirty-eight years 501.
8. Thanksgiving after receiving this Sacrament 466.