The power of the Church to grant indulgences: 540 (“Whatsoever thou shalt loose upon earth” &c.).
The necessity of a state of grace in order to gain an indulgence: 467.
Jubilee-indulgence: its type 172.
Typical signification of oil 84.
Type of Extreme Unction: the anointing of the sick by the disciples 522.
The priesthood of the Old Law taken as a type of the priesthood of the New Law 173; punishment of Core &c. 180; Ozias 310.
Ordination of priests: instituted by Jesus Christ 523 634; given to St. Paul 784; the diaconate 755.
Office of the priesthood under the New Law 471 521 723 732.
The priestly state to be honoured 520 (“He that receiveth you &c. He that heareth you, heareth Me” &c.); 608 (parable of the marriage-feast).
Prayer for good priests 273 555 785 (Ember-days).
Institution and sanctification of marriage 18 441 (marriage at Cana).
Unity of married people 18; the Holy Family 423.
Duty of married people towards their children: Moses’ last words 189; Heli’s punishment 214; Tobias 300; the mother of the Machabees 366; our Lord’s words 548 729.
Preparation for the holy state of matrimony: Raphael’s words to Tobias 301.
Mixed marriages not approved: Abraham seeks a wife for Isaac 71; the Israelites among the Chanaanites 201.
The curse resting on the lower creatures 24 is removed by the blessing of the Church 27. The healing of the water by Eliseus a type of the blessing of water by the Church (holy water) 286. Blessing of palms on Palm-Sunday 608.
The evil influence of the devil is warded off by exorcisms 127 458 461.
Prayer of praise and thanksgiving: 56 (Melchisedech); 72 (Eliezer; 125 (Job); 255 (the dedication of the Temple); 297 (Tobias “thanked God all the days of his life”); 318 (Judith); 339 (the young men in