Page:A Sailor Boy with Dewey.djvu/127

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with an old fork and a rusty spoon we had managed to secrete from our jailer.

Ten minutes of twisting and turning and I had one iron bar loose, and using this as a pry we soon forced three others, and then the opening thus afforded was large enough to admit the passage of a man's body.

"Now out we go!" I whispered. "I'll drop first and, if the coast is clear, I'll whisper to you and you come, but wake the others first, so that they can have a chance to escape. The more get away the better it will be for us to escape recapture."

I leaped to the window sill, turned and dropped outside. All was deserted around the window and I gave a soft whistle. Instantly Dan followed me, after kicking half a dozen in their sides to wake them up. "Out of the window, all of you!" I heard him cry, and then he landed beside me, and both of us ran for the high iron fence I have previously described.

"Halte!" came the sudden command, in Spanish, and from out of the gloom emerged a guard, with pointed gun. He must have seen Dan, for he ran full tilt at my companion.

Seeing this I made a circle and came up in his rear. With a quick leap I was on him, placed my hands over his mouth and bore him to the