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Index:A Sailor Boy with Dewey.djvu

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Title A Sailor Boy with Dewey
Author Ralph Bonehill
Year 1899
Publisher Chatterton-Peck Company
Location New York
Source djvu
Progress Done—All pages of the work proper are validated
Transclusion Fully transcluded
Validated in July 2013


I. Off for Manila Bay, 1
II. The Collision in the Hurricane, 10
III. In which Dan and I Become Separated 19
IV. The Rescue of the Unworthy One, 27
V. Cast Ashore on Luzon, 34
VI. Adventures in the Forest, 43
VII. The Wreck on the Shore, 52
VIII. Attacked by the Tagals 59
IX. The Flight from Bumwoga, 67
X. The Battle at a Distance, 74
XI. Off for Subig Bay, 82
XII. Attacked in the Canyon, 91
XIII. My First Adventure in Manila, 99
XIV. The Escape from the Prison, 107
XV. Back to Hong Kong, 115
XVI. The Opening of the War, 123
XVII. I Meet Commodore Dewey, 130
XVIII. The Fighting Engineer, 139
XIX. "Fire!" 147
XX. In which One Spanish Ship Is Sunk, 155
XXI. A Never-to-be-Forgotten Contest, 162
XXII. Between Two Fires 169
XXIII. The Escape from the Inn, 177
XXIV. One Way of Entering a Fortified City, 184
XXV. Four Would-be Plunderers, 192
XXVI. The Fight in the Offices, 200
XXVII. A Letter of Great Importance, 208
XXVIII. Treed by Buffalo Bulls, 215
XXIX. Captain Kenny Again, 223
XXX. A Fight at Long Range, 230
XXXI. The Wrecking of the Howitzer, 237
XXXII. Good-by to the Philippines, 245