Page:A Sailor Boy with Dewey.djvu/163

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"Oliver, you went at him in great style," observed Dan, when the excitement was over and we found ourselves alone. "After this you'll be the cock of the walk."

"I don't want to be cock of the walk, Dan. I simply want to be left alone."

"But you pitched into him like a prizefighter. It was—well, simply immense, it was indeed."

"I am glad I can use my fists when it becomes necessary. I hope he'll let me alone in the future."

"Let you alone? I'll wager he won't come within a hundred feet of you unless it's absolutely necessary."

"He's a fool to be angry with me. If he had taken things in good part at first there would have been no trouble."

"Oh, there are lots of pig-headed men just like him, Oliver. But I reckon you'll have no further trouble with him."

There was no room for us at the guns, so both Dan and I were placed, for convenience' sake, among the sailors. But on such a steam vessel