Page:A Sailor Boy with Dewey.djvu/199

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"This is our chance!" yelled Matt Gory, as he seized Dan and me by the arms. "Come on!"

"I am with you!" I answered.

"Let us make for the stable," said Dan.

"Aint the woods betther?" queried the Irishman.

"The ponies!" I interrupted, understanding what my chum meant. "Just the thing!"

And away we went for the stable. A Spanish guard tried to block our way, but we tripped him over and tore his gun from him.

Dan was the first inside of the structure and he speedily untied three of the small, but strong, animals and led them to a rear door. Then up we leaped into the high, uncomfortable Spanish saddles (for the poor beasts stood there with all their trappings) and off we sped down the highway, leaving Spaniards, rebels, and the other prisoners to take care of themselves.

Of course we did not escape unnoticed, and Spaniards and rebels both fired on us. But their aim was poor, and the leaden messengers flew wide of the mark. Soon we were out of sight around a bend, and then we speedily took to a side trail that looked as if it might afford at least temporary security.