Page:A Sailor Boy with Dewey.djvu/40

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locality where the small boat had foundered. In the meanwhile flash after flash of lightning had lit up the scene, showing the Dart far to the northward, driving rapidly before the fury of the storm. But at last distance and the steady downpour of rain hid the vessel from view, and we could not tell if she sunk or not.

"A man!" It was the second mate who uttered the words, and a head bobbed up just alongside of our bow. At once the mate dropped his oar and seized the individual by his hair. Then he caught hold of an arm and in a trice the fellow was on board, where he fell in a heap at the bottom of our craft. It was Captain Kenny.

"The captain's boat," observed Watt Brown, and I breathed a long sigh of relief, thinking that Dan might yet be safe. "I wonder if Yarson, Betts, Camar, and Dilwoddy are floating around?"

He referred to the four sailors that had accompanied the captain in the first boat. Standing up as best he could, he waited for another flash of lightning and gazed around hurriedly. Not another soul was in sight.

"They are gone, I am afraid," he murmured. "Keep her head up, lads, and I'll take another look."

"Never mind the others," growled Captain