Page:A Sailor Boy with Dewey.djvu/92

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"That's a good idea, expecially as we don't want to get mixed up in this fight between the insurgents and the Spanish. But what of the Dart and our things on board of her?"

"Ten to one the natives have already looted the ship, Oliver. As it is, we can do nothing but notify those in Manila who were interested in her cargo. Perhaps they'll help us in the matter, for their own sakes."

"And what of the others who were made prisoners?"

"Alone and without weapons what can we do for them? If we can organize a party in Manila to come here and straighten out matters we'll be doing well."

Both of us were tremendously hungry, and now we cast about for something to eat. But little could be found on the hill outside of a few cocoanuts, and soon we were on our way to the seacoast, taking care to give the Tagal settlement a wide berth.

We had just stepped out upon the sand when we saw a figure clad in a flowing frock coming toward us at top speed.

"Ah Sid, as I'm a sinner!" burst out Tom Dawson, as he recognized the Chinese cook of the Dart. "Hi! hi! where are you running to?" he called out.

At the sound of the first mate's voice the little