[Chap. III.
- Grahana — Organ of smell.
- Vak — Organ of speech.
- Pani — Organ of prehension.
- Pad — Organ of locomotion.
- Payu — Organ of excretion.
- Upastha — Organ of generation.
- Akasha — Ether.
- Vayu — Air.
- Tejas — Fire.
- Ap — Water.
- Prithvi — Earth.
The Purusha, or the Soul, is the 25th principle, which resides in the body. It is everlasting, intelligent, endless, all-pervading, blissful, immortal, calm, pure, and one without a second. These principles are arranged "in order of their development." The human organism, and for the matter of that the whole creation, thus constituted by the combination of Purusha and Prakriti, is represented in the mystical works of the Hindoos by a figure formed by drawing a horizontal line across a perpendicular one, with the ends turned round like arcs of a circle thus:—
The four points of the cross represent in succession birth, life, death, and immortality, while