the circle is the symbol of the eternal existence. Those who have studied the subject are trying to read the esoteric meaning of the Christian Cross in this light. It is curious that the sign of the Cross is to be found in almost all the religions of the world, ancient and modern. The Purusha is the instrumental cause of the universe, while Prakriti is its material cause. The human body is therefore believed to be the result of the joint operation of these two principles.
The creation is of two kinds, animate and inanimate. The animate creation is again sub-divided by the Hindoos into four classes, namely, Udbhija (sprouting), as trees, plants, etc. ; Svedaja (produced from sweat or warmth of the earth), such as bugs, mosquitoes, etc. ; Andaja (oviparous), as fowls and reptiles ; and Jarayu (viviparous), as man and beasts. In the human structure, the father represents Purusha, and the mother Prakriti. When both are young and strong the offspring is healthy.
Of the several parts of the body, the hair, nails, teeth, arteries, veins, tendons and semen derive their origin from the father; while muscles, heart, blood, marrow, fat, liver, spleen and intestines