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Labor, scarcity of, in Mexico, 144. |
Lamp, kerosene, story of a, 232. |
Land, discrimination against American ownership of, 119. |
Land speculations on the border, 209. |
Land-owners of Mexico, 186. |
Land-titles of Mexico, 116. |
Lands, public, of Mexico, prices of, 209. |
Language of Mexico, 94. |
Spanish, an obstacle to commerce, 94. |
Laws, complicated system in Mexico, 175. |
Leather industry of Mexico, 138. |
"Leperos" of Mexico, 93. |
Lerdo de Tejada, former President of Mexico, 10. |
Life, material and spiritual poverty of, 95. |
Living, cost of, in Mexico, 183. |
"Locomotive," effect of first appearance, 230. |
Machinery, labor-saving, little used in Mexico, 133. |
Manufactures of Mexico, 133. |
restriction of, under Spanish rule, 64. |
Maximilian, Emperor, character and fate, 78, 79. |
court ceremonials of, 79. |
Mayas, civilization of, 48. |
Mechanics, obstacles to the immigration of, 170. |
Merchants, American, peculiarities of, 239. |
German, characteristics of, 241. |
German, in Mexico, 240. |
"Mestizos," of Mexico, 93. |
Metals, precious, abnormal export of, 191. |
product of Mexico, 159. |
Methodist missions in Mexico, 88, 90. |
Mexican Military School, National, 104. |
Mexico, area of, 49. |
artificial conditions to which it has been subject, 114. |
border States of, 47. |
chronic revolutions of, 69. |
Constitution of, 106. |
dryness of climate, 48. |
essential attractions of, 158. |
French invasion of, 75. |
geographical configuration of, 46. |
Government, since 1821, 69. |
history of, 50. |
imports and exports of, 190. |
Military School, 104. |
Northern, land value in, 122. |
plateau of, 40. |
popular ignorance concerning, 14, 39. |
population of, 48. |
poverty of the country, 39. |
recent progress of, 220. |
sanitary condition of, 203. |
small annual production of, 182. |
States of, 49. |
stone age of, 52. |
unexplored portions of, 14. |
what she buys and sells, 247. |
Middle classes, absence of, in Mexico, 186. |
Mills, cotton, in Mexico, description of, 153. |
Miners, wages of, in Mexico, 141. |