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Page:A Treatise of the Covenant of Grace (John Ball).djvu/101

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as it was made and manifested to Abraham.

that having a male in his flock, doth offer that which is halt and lame to the Lord: how justly might I be confounded, who have wickedly departed from my God, and set my affections upon things of no value? Will an husband accept of divided love in his wife? will a Prince regard or take in good part, that which is lame, blind or sick, for a present from his Subject? O Lord, I have dealt exceeding foolishly in tendering such spotted service unto thy Highnesse.

Secondly, He must resolve to keepe himselfe more entirely to the commandments of God for the time to come. I have wickedly departed from my God, Psal. 119.69.
1 King. 8.48
but now I will returne, and keepe his Commandments with my whole heart. What can I tender unto his Majesty, lesse then my selfe?They are blessed who have attained some perfection in the exercise of holines. Every apprentice deemes him happie, who hath the perfect skill of that trade wherein he is exercised. How can I for shame intreat his favour, unlesse I cleave unto him with a perfect heart? Can I desire God to be wholly mine, unlesse I be wholly his? Can I be so impudent as to intreat God to love me with a prime and conjugall love, and give me leave to love sinne which he abhorreth, to love other things above or equall with his Highnesse? Can I looke to be married unto Christ in mercy, truth and compassion, if my heart doe not affect him above all, and other things in and through him alone? The Lord is a great King, his service must be without spot or blemish. His eye searcheth the heart, and perfectly understandeth all secret motions a farre off, and will give to every one as he knoweth his heart1 King. 8.39, and according to his wayes. Men of place looke to have their pleasure done in all things by such as attend upon them: It is a great shame to leape from pale to sprig, and with the moone to change our beliefs. Thou art ashamed to be accounted an inconstant man.and shall I presume to call my selfe the servant of the living God, when I doe his pleasure in part only and by halves. My obedience cannot be perfect in degree so long as I live here, but through the grace of God it shall be universall, and that I might attaine absolute perfection in heaven, I will strive after it in this life. O Lord, I have covenanted to sticke unto thy testimonies, and by thy grace I will keepe thy precepts all the dayes of my life, unto thee therfore do I flie for strength, support, acceptance. Ps. 119.68.
Ps. 51.10.
1 King. 8.58
Ps. 119.8.
Create in me, O God, a cleane heart, renew a right (constant) spirit within me; Establish me with thy grace, that I never fall from my integrity. I will keepe thy statutes, O forsake me not utterly.

In the former overture of the Covenant by Gods appointment they offered sacrifice, which was a type of Christ, and seale of re-mission