mission and propitiation by the bloud of Christ, under this expression the same continued: for so we reade, that Gen. 12.7.
and 22.9.Abraham built Altars unto the Lord, and offered sacrifice. But unto this, it pleased God to adde other assurances whereby he bound himselfe to performe the promises which he freely made of his grace, and did establish the faith of Abraham and his posterity. This Covenant God confirmed by federall signes in the segments and fiery lamp. Gen. 15. and then by sacramentall signes, as by Circumcision. Gen. 17. which was a seale of promise on Gods part, and an homage or fealtie in Abraham and his seed binding them unto the service which God required under the Covenant of grace: Gal. 5.3.
In as much as Circumcision was the signe or solemne ceremony of this mutuall league between god and Abraham, and Abrahams seed, it is necessarily implyed (by the tenour of the same mutuall Covenent) that God should subscribe or seale the league after the same manner, and to receive the same signe of Circumcision in his flesh, which Abraham and his seed had done.and therefore the Apostle put this upon them that will use Circumcision after Christ, that they are bound to keep the whole Law, not because Circumcision for the outward act was commanded in the Law, but because it was that homage penny, which tyed them to punctuall obedience. We may conceive, that God by this Commandement might now prove Abrahams obedience therein, imposing a thing abhorrent to nature, which could not be before sinne, because it doth presuppose sinne and punishment: And it was a notable pledge of his faith, for if he could believe God in so dangerous and fearefull an execution, they might beleeve him in any other command or promise under the Covenant. Circumcision was not without the shedding of bloud, because the Covenant was not yet established in the bloud of the Messiah, and that might leade the faithfull to the bloud of Christ, as assuring the purging away of sinne by the same. God could have instituted a Sacrament which might have agreed to both sexes, but of his infinite wisdome, he made choice of that which could have being in the males only: but the female was accounted as circumcised in the male: and therefore faithfull women were the daughters of Abraham, Luke 13. 16. and the common promise, that God would be the God of Abraham and his seed, did pertaine to each sex of his posterity. Circumcision was a seale of the righteousnesse which is by faith,Rom. 4.11. that which is purchased by Christ, and embraced by faith: It was also a signe of the Circumcision of the heartRom. 2.28,29. by the Spirit of Christ, without which the rite did commend no man to God.Jer. 4.4. Deut. 10. 16. which Circumcision of the heart is promised of God as his grace. Deut. 30. 6. and is fulfilled in Christ, Col. 2. 10, 11. Phil. 3. 3. And it was a seale of the Covenant, andso
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Of the Covenant of Grace