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Page:A Treatise of the Covenant of Grace (John Ball).djvu/103

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as it was made and manifested to Abraham.

so of all the promises made therein concerning things temporall to the seed and posterity of Abraham, as they stood in reference to the Covenant of Grace. All that were outwardly circumcised, were not partakers of the spirituall blessings promised, yet was not Circumcision altogether unprofitable unto them: but as they were within the Covenant, so did Circumcision seale unto them the blessings of the Covenant. If they were externally in Covenant only and by profession, it confirmed the promises of the earthly Canaan and some other outward things whereof they were partakers: If they were internally and effectually in Covenant, it confirmed the highest blessings unto them, which they obtained by faith. It appeares then, that all are not in Covenant after one manner, nor doe all that be in Covenant, equally partake of the same blessings: they that be outwardly in Covenant partake the outward and basest part of the Covenant, they that be truly in Covenant obtaine the highest: but what blessings soever they enjoy, they are given according to the Covenant of Grace, and not of workes, given of free bounty to them that yeeld but partiall and fained obedience, and not merited by their works. But of this more at large in the next Chapter.

From all this it followeth, First, that all the faithfull are of the same faith with Abraham. The Father and the Sonnes spirituall be of the same beliefe: as they doe partake of the same spirituall priviledges. It is one God that justifieth the circumcision and the uncircumcision, and it is the same faith whereby the Promises of mercy are embraced. Zaccheus is called the son of Abraham, and he beleeved in Christ as did Abraham.

2. Not only Promises of temporall good things, but of spirituall and eternall were made to the Patriarks in the Covenant of Grace, and sought and obtained by them. They looked for a City whose builder and maker the Lord is.Heb. 11.11,12. Remission of sinnes and life everlasting was preached in the Covenant, sealed in the Sacrament, and typified by the Land of Canaan. To conceit the Fathers to be an assembly of bruite beasts, which looked to be fed with earthly blessings alone, is highly to dishonour them, and lessen the grace and mercy of God towards them.

3. Sacramentall phrases, wherein the name of the thing signified is given to the signe, are ancient and familiar; as Circumcision is called the Covenant, and the rocke Christ. Why then shouldour