legall rites, but rest not in them, but by them are led unto Christ; which abide still in the house, and partake of the dignity of sons though under Tutours; and this servitude is an effect of the Covenant thus administred.
Under this Covenant the naturall seed of Abraham bore the face of the Church and state, and God had promised abundance of temporals, and of spirituall a scantling: But all under the outward administration of the Covenant, were not in like manner partakers of the blessings promised in Covenant. For some had their part in the temporall blessings only, and the outward ordinances; others were partakers of the spirituall blessings promised. But whatsoever good thing any of them enjoyed either temporall or spirituall, it was conferred upon them freely according to the Covenant of Grace, and not for the dignity of their workes. It is true, the promise is conditionall, if they obey, they shall reape the good things of the Land: but obedience was not a causall condition, why they should inherit, but consequent, what they must doe when they should inherit the Land. God would not that his people should live dissolutely in the promised Land: but he gave them not that inheritance for their righteousnesse. Certaine it is also, that God did reward partiall obedience with temporall blessings, as he spared some upon their temporary humiliation and fained repentance: and he permitted some obstinate and rebellious to abide in the promised Land, and take roote and prosper for a season: but this he did of his free bounty, that he might performe the Oath which he sware unto the Fathers. So that herein there appeares no intexture of the Covenant of workes with the Covenant of Grace, nor any moderation of the Law to the strength and power of nature for the obtaining of outward blessings. But rather that God of his aboundant goodnesse is pleased freely to conferre outward blessings promised in Covenant upon some that did not cleave unto him unfainedly, that he might make good his promise unto the spirituall seed, which by word and oath he had confirmed unto the Fathers. In this expression of the Covenant it pleased God to add unto the former, another seal for confirmation of their faith, sc. Exod. 12.the Passe-over which was a tipe of Christ, the immaculate Lambe of God, which taketh away the sinnes of the world; 1 Cor. 5.7.our true Passe-over, who was sacrificed for us, as well as a seale of their deliverance from the bondage of E-gypt