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Of the Covenant that God made with David.

gypt. And the celebration of the Passeover, was as a gratefull remembrance of their most powerfull and gracious deliverance from the fiery fornace, and consequently of their possession of that good Land, which the Lord had promised to give them: so was it a testimony of their faith in the bloud of Christ, whereby they were set free from the powers of darknesse, and the curse of the Law, and restored into spirituall liberty, being made heires of the kingdome of heaven. And from all this we may see, wherein this expression of the Covenant doth exceed the former, and wherein it differs from, and fals short of the new Covenant: of which in the latter end of the next Chapter.

C h a p.   IX.

Of the Covenant that God made with David.

THis Covenant of Grace was further manifested to David, to whom the Lord doth most aboundantly and familiarly make knowne the riches of his free-grace and love. And is this O Lord the manner of men? 2 Sam. 7. 19. Or as Junius readeth it, and that after the manner of men, Amam: idque secundum consuetudinem hominis seu hominum: (i) ac si amicus cum amico ageret. Schingler. Huc adducit, Chald. ודא אזיא Et hoc, hic agendi modus conveniens est filiis hominum. q d. ita solet amicus cum amico colloqui & familiariter animi sui sententiam depromere. Sept. οὗτος δὲ ὁ νόμος τοῦ ἀνθρώπου &c. Em. Sa. Lex hominis. q d. sic mecum agis, ut solet homo cum amico.O Lord God, that is, thou dealest familiarly with me, as a man dealeth with man, 1 Chron. 17. 17. And thou hast provided for me according to the manner of men concerning this excellency, O Lord God, or, thou hast provided for me this excellency, according to the manner of men. I see, for I provide for: for the Hebrews, when they have not compound verbes, doe use simple in their stead, Pisc. & aspexeris me secundum rationem hominis (i) humanam [quoad] hanc excellentiam. Engl. according to the manner of high degree or great dignity. Sept. καὶ ἐπεῗδές με ὡς ὅρασις ἀνθρώπου καὶ ὕψωσάς με κύριος ὁ Θεός.The