med to weare long garments down to the ancles, they used to gird them close unto their body, when they had any journey,Exod. 12.11. combate or labour in hand, least they should be an impediment unto them. So they were commanded to eat the Passeover with their loines girded, because they had a journey to goe, and Elias1 King. 18.46. girded up his loines, and ran before Ahab. And so to have loynes girt,Joh. 13.4.
Luk. 17.8. is to be fitted and prepared for any service, travell or conflict; Let your loynes be girded about, and your lights burning.Luk. 12.35,37. Gird up the loynes of your mind, and be sober.1 Pet. 1.13. Gird thy selfe and bind on thy sandales.Act. 12.8. Thus Christians girded with truth, are in readinesse for any spirituall duty, and to encounter with whatsoever adversary power shall with-stand them in the course of godlinesse. Peradventure at the first putting on, this garment may seem somewhat straight, nothing easie to weare: but he that is accustomed to goe girded, shall find such ease in it, such comfort by it, that he can never be well without it, never at ease, untill it be put on. Truth of heart is blessed of God with increase of grace. This is it which maketh the least portion of grace to thrive in the hands of Gods children. Their faithfulnesse in a little,Luk. 19.17. brings them to be owners of a great deale, and to be rulers over much. This brought such a plentifull blessing upon the small beginnings of Nathaniel, to whom Christ, because of his truth in the inward affections, promised an enlarged measure of enlightning, and that he should see greater things.Joh. 1.47,50. This brought such a comfortable encrease upon the dimme knowledge of the Eunuch and Cornelius; they worshipped God in truth of heart, according to the measure of understanding they had received, and in them the promise was accomplished, To him that hath shall be given, and he shall have in aboundance: they were led further into that great mysterie of godlinesse, an Evangelist being sent of God to the one, and both an Angell and an Apostle to the other. A true hearted Christian is carefull to get, charie to keepe, and warie to husband, what grace hee hath received, and how should hee not then encrease from one measure to another? Not that a second grace is given for the right use of the first, but that the condition of grace is such, that one drawes another, and for a first given a latter is freely bestowed also, in which continuation of grace, the right use of grace proceeding from it, is contained.