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Page:A Treatise of the Covenant of Grace (John Ball).djvu/184

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Of Truth and Uprightnesse.

Sincerity is strengthened of God to be a meanes of comfort to a mans soule in his greatest distresses. When Hezekiah was arrested with the sentence of death by the mouth of the Prophet, here was his comfort, and that which imboldened him to looke death in the face with more courage; O Lord thou knowest,Isa. 38.3.
Jer. 12.3.
or remember now (for herein I dare appeale to thy Majestie) that I have walked before thee in truth. He had done many worthy things in the abolishment of Idolatry, and in the restitution of the true worship, but in none of these simply tooke he content, but in the sincerity of his heart and affection in performing of them. So Paul in the midst of all his sorrowes, this is his rejoycing, not simply that he had preached, that he had planted Churches, wrought miracles, converted sinners, made Satan to fall downe from Heaven like lightening: but that in simplicity and godly sincerity2 Cor. 1.12. he had his conversation in the world.

This puts a kind of heroicall spirit, and Lyon-like boldnesse into the children of God in the greatest tryalls. Hereupon Paul was resolute not to passe for mans judgement.1 Cor. 4.3. Faith depends upon the meere grace of God, and his free promise: but the truer any mans heart is unto God, the more bold and confident is he of the Lords support and comfort, which alone adds undaunted courage in all temptations.

The service of a sound Christian is very acceptable to God, be it in outward shew never so meane and simple. Are not thine eyes (saith Jeremie) upon the truth.Jer. 5.3.
2 Chron. 30.
Joh. 4.23,24.
If servants be obedient to their Masters in singlenesse of heart, they shall receive their reward of the Lord.Col. 3.22.
Eph. 6.5,8.
Rom. 12.8.
A cup of cold water given to a Prophet in singlenesse of heart, shall not be forgotten. The Lord is nigh to all that call upon him in truth;Psal. 145.18.
Deut. 4.7.
he will heare their prayers, answer their desires, guard and protect their persons. Not the most eloquent prayer, and best set forth in words; but the supplication that is breathed from an honest and true heart finds best acceptation. Many actions otherwise fervent enough, for want of this sincerity are but froth, and vanish then when we stand most in need of comfort: but the meanest worke performed in truth of heart, shall not go unrewarded. As in the naturall body, the case of the sound finger is better then of the blindish eye: so in the family of God, it is more comfort to be a faithfull doore-keeper, then an unfaithfull steward.