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Page:A Treatise of the Covenant of Grace (John Ball).djvu/272

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Christ the Mediatour of the New Testament

but not for all them that had any hand in his death. He prayeth not that they might beleeve, if they were not wanting to themselves: but prayeth for forgivenesse for them that had abused naturall gifts, and supernaturall meanes of grace: so that it cannot be referred to that generall Intercession they speake of, with any shew of reason.

Some answer, the sense of the words is only this, Father seeing they have sinned of ignorance, let them not be punished with that punishment, which the thing they have done deserveth (which was without all hope to be blinded, hardened, and cast off) but let them not for this sin be in this state, but shew mercy on them, that they may be in possibility of repentance, pardon, and grace, which intercession answereth Christs dying, as it respecteth all, which was to possibilitate their Salvation. But this exposition is new and straitned, and cannot be confirmed by any circumstance of the place, or signification of the word forgivenesse: and if it be granted, will not sute with their purpose. For Christ died not to possibilitate the Salvation of every man, that had or should abuse naturall gifts and supernaturall meanes, as the rulers of the people, which stirred up the people to desire Jesus that he might be crucified, nor prayed for every man, that had so fearfully abused the meanes of grace by wilfull and affected ignorance (if not worse) that he should not be given up to blindnesse and hardnesse of heart. If any man shall be bold to affirme either of these, we must desire better proofe then his bare word, before we can yeeld assent.

If it be said, the persons for whom Christ prayed were not in a state capable of remission or pardon, because they were impenitent and unbeleevers, Corvinus answereth,Corvin. in Mol. cap. 27. pag. 7. that we must understand the condition, if they repent. And by the same reason, he might aske salvation for all men, scil. if they repent and beleeve. And how then doth this Intercession differ from that, which they say was speciall for the Salvation of beleevers. Surely to aske the pardon of their sinnes that repent, doth rather pertaine to speciall Intercession whereby the salvation of them that beleeve is prayed for, then to the generall, wherein the faith of all men is craved.

An example of this generall Intercession, wherein Christ prayeth that all men might beleeve in him, we have (they say)in