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for whom he died and rose againe.

in that 17. of John, ver. 21. That the world may beleeve that thou hast sent me. Some by the world in that place understand the elect, who then were dispersed abroad, or them that were to be converted from infidelity to the faith. But because the word world in the whole Chapter is taken in another sence, it is most naturall in this place to understand it as before, for men that be of the world, not illightened, or converted to the faith: and the word Beleeve to be put improperly for to acknowledge or confesse. The sense is, that the world, although unbeleeving, although an adversary to me, yetMaldonat. in
Joh. 17.21.
Jansen. hac. 136.
seeing the great love and concord of my Disciples, may be compelled to beleeve, that is, to acknowledge and confesse, that I was sent of God, that is, that I am not as now it thinketh, a seducer, but that I am truly sent of the Father; or that the Infidels may by experience be convinced to confesse my glory, and be compelled to acknowledge and confesse that thou hast sent me a Saviour into the world. This sense is so plain and easie, that we need not seek any further for the meaning: but if we grant it to be meant of true and sound faith, it will not follow thence, that Christ made intercession for every man in the world, that he might beleeve. For the world is usually taken for men in the world indefinitely, and not simply for every man, nor yet for the greater part of men in the world. There went out a decree from Cesar Augustus, that all the world should be taxed, Luk 2. 1. but this cannot be extended to every nation, much lesse to every man.Vide Psal. 118. 10.
1 Chro. 14.17.
Jer. 27.7.
Dan. 2.38.
Matth. 10.22
Rom. 1.5.
Rev. 18.3,23.
The impure spirits goe forth unto the Kings of the earth, and of the whole world. Rev. 16. 14. All the world wondred after the beast. Rev. 13. 3. The whole world lyeth in iniquity. 1 Joh. 5. 19. He was in the world, and the world knew him not. Joh. 1. 10. Behold, the world is gone after him. Joh. 12. 19. The Syriacke Interpreter, vulgar Interpreter, and Mannus the Greeke Paraphrast, adde the universall particle and reade it, the whole world; But if the world be taken for every man in the world, we must conclude, that every man in the world did follow Christ, and that no man in the world did know him.

They aske again, what is it the Intercession of Christ required? Psal. 2. 8. Aske of me, and I will give thee the heathen for thine Inheritance. Is it not for unbeleevers to bring them to the faith? and doth not Christ intercede for the comming of Gods Kingdome, as he taught his Disciples to doe? There is therefore an Interces-sion