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Of the Covenant of Grace in generall.

but mercy offered is embraced by faith, and vouchsafed to him that beleeveth. Also the duty which God calleth for, and man promiseth, is mans duty but given of God. By grace man is enabled and effectually drawne to doe what God commandeth. The Covenant could not be of grace, nor the good things covenanted, if man by his own strength did or could performe what God requireth.

Psal. 85.4,35.
Deut. 29.12,14.
Isai. 54.9.
Heb. 6.17,18.
Gen. 22.16.
Luke 1.72.
This Covenant was first published, and made knowne by lively voice: afterwards it was committed to writing, the tables thereof being the holy Scripture. It was made both by word and Oath, to demonstrate the certainty and constancy thereof: and sealed by the Sacraments, which on Gods part doe confirme the Promise made by him: and on mans part are bils obligatory or hand-writings, whereby they testifie and bind themselves to the performance of their duty.

For manner of administration this Covenant is divers, as it pleased God in sundry manners to dispense it: but for substance it is one, the last, unchangeable and everlasting. Heb. 13.8.One, For Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever. The last: for it succeeded the Covenant of works, but none shall succeed it. In it God hath revealed his whole pleasure touching the Salvation of man, and hath manifested his principall properties, the riches of his grace, wherein he delighteth to be magnified. He that is not saved by the Covenant of Grace, must and shall perish everlastingly. Unchangeable and everlasting: for therein God hath revealed himselfe, in respect of the things he willeth concerning mans Salvation to be one and the same for ever. There is none other relation and respect, that might give occasion to another Covenant. It was the pleasure of God to shew mercy to man miserable; but he will not extend compassion to him that obstinately and wilfully shall contemne the riches of his grace. The Covenant made with Adam in the state of Innocency, is altered for our great good and comfort: Isai. 24.5.
Psal. 111.9.
but this Covenant is like the Covenant of the day and of the night, it stands fast for ever and ever. Though men be unfaithfull, God continueth faithfull: 1 Sam. 7.3.he waiteth for the conversion of them that goe astray, and if they returne, he will receive them into favour. Deut 4.31.
Jer. 3.1,2.
Rom. 9.6.
and 11.1,29
The Lord will not utterly cast off that people, whom he hath once chosen, and received unto mercy. And in respect of the life to come, the Covenant is eternall: for after thislife