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Of the Covenant of Grace in generall.

Hos. 13.14.
Matth. 22.32.
life the people effectually in Covenant shall live with the Lord for ever.

Externally this Covenant is made with every member of the Church, even with the Parents and their children, so many as heare and embrace the Promises of Salvation, and give and dedicate their children unto God according unto his direction: for the Sacraments what are they but seales of the Covenant? But savingly, effectually, and in speciall manner it is made only with them, who are partakers of the benefits promised. And as the Covenant is made outwardly or effectually, so some are the people of God externally, others internally and in truth. For they are the people of God, with whom God hath contracted a Covenant, and who in like manner have sworne to the words of the Covenant, God stipulating, and the people receiving the condition: which is done two wayes: for either the Covenant is made extrinsecally, God by some sensible token gathering the people, and the people embracing the condition in the same manner, and so an externall consociation of God and the people is made: or the Covenant is entred after an invisible manner, by the intervention of the Spirit, and that with so great efficacy, that the condition of the Covenant is received after an invisible manner, and so an internall consociation of God and the people is made up.

Here it may suffice briefly to mention these things, because in the sundry manners of dispensation, they will come to be discussed more at large.

From that which hath been said two things may be gathered. 1. How the Covenant made with Adam, called by some Divines the Covenant of Nature, agreeth and differeth from the Covenant of Grace.

They agree in a generall consideration of, 1. The Author, which is God only wise, most holy, our supreme and absolute Soveraigne. 2. The matter of the Covenant, which is a Commandement and Promise of reward. 3. The persons contracting or covenanting, which are God and man. 4. The Subject not differenced by speciall respects, for the Law was given and Gospell revealed to man. 5. The forme of administration, because to both Covenants is annexed a restipulation. 6. The end, viz. the blessednesse of man, and the glory of God manifested in his wisdome, bounty and goodnesse. 7. As Adam in the state of Innocency wasmade